Find out about the guys that make Liz and Bianca (and about a million other
girls) swoon!
Welcome to HOT BRITISH BOYS, the site where tweens and teens alike flock to admire those
certain fine male specimens that grace the silver screen and send our hearts a flutter. More specifically, Orlando
Bloom, Sean Biggerstaff, Christian Coulson, Ioan Gruffudd and recently Hugh Dancy.
And just who are the fine females who have brought this site to the world wide web? Why, Liz and
Bianca (no last name necessary... we're like Cher and Madonna... except younger). Liz and Bianca are two young women
who find these actors simply delightful... and who had a sudden inspiration to dedicte a website to their greatness. Well...
the site was all Bianca's idea, but really, what would Bianca be without Liz? I mean, without Liz she would just be pitiful
and empty.... kind of like Stacy. (Just kidding Stacy, you know we worship you). In any event, Liz and Bianca will update
this site every know and again, bringing you more HOT BRITISH greatness.
(And please... try not to drool on the keybord).